Fostering a culture of reading and thought by serving Switzerland County’s information, life-long learning and leisure pursuits.

Patron Code of Conduct

Library Behavior Policy


The Switzerland County Public Library is supported by the taxes of the citizens of Switzerland County who expect that the Library be a clean, pleasant, and safe place for selecting materials, reading, researching, studying, writing, and attending Library or community sponsored programs and meetings. To this end, the Library is responsible for establishing rules of conduct to protect the rights and safety of Library patrons and staff, and for preserving and protecting the Library’s materials, equipment, facilities and grounds.


For the comfort and safety of patrons and staff, and the protection of Library property, the following actions are examples of conduct not allowed on Library property:


  • Engaging in any activity in violation of Federal, State, local or other applicable law, or Library policy
  • Carrying firearms and dangerous weapons of any type, except with a legal permit or by law enforcement officers
  • Being under the influence of alcohol/illegal drugs
  • Verbally or physically threatening or harassing other patrons, volunteers, or staff, including stalking, staring, lurking, offensive touching, and obscene acts such as sex acts and indecent exposure
  • Soliciting or conducting surveys not authorized by the Library
  • Stealing, damaging, altering, or inappropriate use of Library property in Library facilities or on Library grounds including computer hardware and software, printers, copiers, phones and other equipment and materials
  • Trespassing in nonpublic areas, being in the Library without permission of an authorized Library employee before or after Library operating hours, or camping on Library grounds
  • Fighting or challenging to fight, running, pushing, shoving or throwing things
  • Creating disruptive noises such as loud talking, screaming, disruptive use of cell phones and using audible devices without headphones
  • Using restrooms for bathing and laundry
  • Gambling and other group activities which are disruptive to the Library environment
  • Littering
  • Use of tobacco products and e-cigarettes
  • Entering the Library barefooted, without a shirt, with offensive body odor or personal hygiene, or being otherwise attired so as to be disruptive to the Library environment
  • Consuming food or beverages in public areas of the Library except for beverages in covered containers. Food and drink are allowed in the meeting room and in other areas of the Library at authorized events.
  • Bringing in garbage, articles with a foul odor, or articles which, alone or in their aggregate impede the use of the Library by other users
  • Using wheeled devices, including skateboards, roller skates, bicycles, and scooters in the Library or on Library grounds, except in designated areas (exceptions wheelchairs, walkers, strollers)
  • Neglecting to provide proper supervision of children
  • Lying down in the restrooms or on any floor, table or chair in the Library, and blocking aisles, exits, or entrances by sitting or lying down in them
  • Bringing pets or animals, other than service animals necessary for disabilities, into the Library, except as authorized by the Library Director.



Enforcement of these rules will be conducted in a fair and reasonable manner. Library staff will intervene to stop prohibited activities and behaviors. If the individual continues the behavior, he/she will be asked to leave the Library. If the patron refuses, the police will be called to remove the patron from the premises and all illegal behavior will be prosecuted.


A user may be banned from the Library for a specific amount of time. In the case of behavior which is deemed dangerous, threatening, destructive, or unlawful, a user may be permanently banned from Library property and use of the Library and materials. Expulsion for more than one week may be appealed in writing to the Library Director and a decision will be made at the next Board of Trustees meeting.


With everyone’s cooperation, the Library will continue to be a pleasant environment for all of our users.


Approved January 13, 2015. Supersedes Patron Code of Conduct adopted July 2009.

Revised August 10th, 2021.

Revised August 8th, 2023.

Copyright © 2025 - Switzerland County Public Library