Fostering a culture of reading and thought by serving Switzerland County’s information, life-long learning and leisure pursuits.

May 2023 Minutes

Switzerland County Public Library

Board Meeting Minutes

May 9, 2023

The regular monthly meeting of the Switzerland County Public Library Board of Trustees was held Tuesday, May 9th, 2023 at 3:30 pm in the meeting room of the library. Attending were Debbie Margison, Sharon Deck, Stacy Streett, Diana Barry, Mary Jane Rogers, Diane Sigmon, Heather Peelman, and Emily Fox. Not attending was Michelle Hicks.

Rogers made a motion to approve the minutes of the previous board meeting, seconded by Margison and passed unanimously. Reports of library activity and technology activity were shared. Circulation dipped slightly but is still better than the same month last year. More people are using e-materials and bringing their own devices to use wifi. Children’s bingo was very popular in April.

Bills and claims were presented. Fox the cost of the Cincinnati Enquirer was for three months of service and was high, but the paper gets some use and has USA Today, making it the only national paper. Barry asked if staff could track how many people use that paper to determine whether or not to go to a Sunday-only paper if possible. Fox agreed and said that she will ask them to monitor soon. Barry made a motion to approve the claims, seconded by Sigmon and passed unanimously.

Time for Public Comments


Old Business

Fox reported Tim Breeding from the Teton Corporation did not have a quote ready for all the proposed extra work during the outdoor learning lab construction, so Fox did not have a proposed budget. Fox said the board could choose to hold a special meeting once the quote was available in order to approve the purchase, or if the board was comfortable, they could vote to spend up to a certain amount out of a specific fund and approve all work that had been previously discussed, such as sidewalk repair and parking lot light repair. Discussion was held. The board decided to hold a special meeting later in the month.

Fox reported the book benches have been completed by Madison Auto Collision and the artists will be delivering the final products this week. A ribbon cutting reception is planned for May 27th at 11 a.m. A wide announcement will be made when a few more details are solidified, but so far, community partners and contributors to the project have been notified. Wifi upgrades will occur on Saturday and landscaping will be completed next week due to cold weather.

Review of the Disaster Recovery Plan for Computers was tabled again, as AVC Technology delivered necessary information the morning before the meeting.

New Business

The Access to Public Records Policy was reviewed. Deck motioned to accept, seconded by Margison and passed unanimously.

The Public Comments Policy was reviewed. Proposed changes were pulled from the school board’s public comment policy. Discussion was held. Sigmon motioned to approve, seconded by Rogers and passed unanimously.

The Video Surveillance Policy was reviewed. Margison motioned to accept the changes, seconded by Deck and passed unanimously.

Fox requested to close the library until 1 p.m. on Friday, June 9th, in order for the annual staff training for summer reading. No one objected.

Fox passed out the reusable bags that will be giveaways at the ribbon cutting. The library will be transitioning away from plastic bags and sustainable bags will roll out over the summer.

With no further business, the meeting adjourned at 4:10 p.m.


Minutes recorded by Emily Fox.

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