Family Files A-D
The Switzerland County Public Library has files on the following families.
Abbott | |
Adams |
Albert C. and Rebecca |
Adkinson | |
Albro | |
Aldred | |
Allen | Barney of Fairfield, Maine |
Allen | David, from New Jersey |
Allen | Ebenezer |
Anderson | |
Andress | |
Andrew | |
Archer | |
Armstrong/Given/Truesdale | |
Ash | |
Aufderheide/Warner/Bills/Rodgers | |
Avery | |
Baatz | |
Baker | Daniel John [1810-1881] |
Bakes | |
Banes | |
Banta |
The Blue Book (a century of Bantas in Texas) by Lawrence Wm. Banta
James Francis Banta |
Bascom | |
Beckley | |
Beebe/Munn/Stewart | |
Bell | |
Bellamy | |
Bersot | |
Bettens | |
Bice/Dennis | |
Bills | |
Bliss | |
Bliss/Sipple | |
Blodgett Family Tree | |
Bocock | |
Bonner | |
Boright | |
Bosaw/Boisseau/Bosso/Boso | |
Bovard | |
Bowman | |
Boyd |
James, born in Loudoun County, Virginia
William (from Ireland) |
Boyd/Peters | |
Bradford | |
Brandon | |
Bray/Wakefield/Wiseman | |
Breeck | |
Brierton | |
Brindley |
Brown | Benjamin, born in New York |
Brown | James, born in Ohio |
Brown | John, born in Ireland |
Brown | Johnson |
Bryan/O’Brian/Mott/Taylor | |
Buchanan/Voris/Whitlock | |
Buck | William Sherman, from Connecticut |
Bump | |
Bunger | |
Burton | |
Buschmann | |
Butler | |
Byram | Nicholas, Descendants of [1610 – 1970] |
Carnine | |
Carver/Danner |
Chandler/Croxton | |
Chase | |
Chatelin | |
Cheever | |
Christman | |
Clark | |
Clevenger | |
Cline/Seaver | |
Clore/Parker | |
Cochran/Farrar/Kendall/Morrison/Nelson/Tapp | |
Cole | Adam, born in Pennsylvania |
Cole | Moses and Jane |
Cole | William R. and wife America Jennings |
Cole | George W. |
Cole/Pickett | by Estene Leap |
Collins | |
Cornelius | John, born in Culpepper County, Virginia |
Cotton | William [1776-1839] born in Virginia |
Courter | |
Courtney | |
Cowles | Alpheus |
Cox | James |
Coy | William, a veteran of the Revolution, born Somerset Co., MD and Mary Ann Dennis |
Coy/Scott/Kelly | |
Craig | |
Crandell | |
Culbertson | |
Cunningham | |
Curry | |
Dailey | |
Dalchow | |
Danglade | |
Danner | |
Davis/Davies | |
Day | Jeffery, an affidavit that he is a freeman |
Demaree | Samuel |
Demarest/Demaree | |
Detraz |
Louis and descendants |
Dibble | |
Dickinson | |
Dillman | |
Dilman | |
Disbrow/Disbro | |
Dittgen | |
Dodd | |
Dow | |
Downey | |
Drake | |
Driver | |
Drummond | |
Dufour | |
Dumont | |
Duncan | |
Dunn | Alexander |
Dunning | Michael [1790 – 1848] and Descendants |
Dupraz | |
Dutoit/Wuichet |