Fostering a culture of reading and thought by serving Switzerland County’s information, life-long learning and leisure pursuits.

December 2023 Minutes

Switzerland County Public Library

Board Meeting Minutes

December 12th, 2023

The regular monthly meeting of the Switzerland County Public Library Board of Trustees was held Tuesday, December 12th, 2023 at 3:36 pm in the meeting room of the library. Attending were Mary Jane Rogers, Diane Sigmon, Sharon Deck, Stacy Streett, Heather Peelman, and Emily Fox. Not attending were Deborah Margison, Michelle Hicks, and Diana Barry.

Rogers made a motion to approve the minutes of the previous board meeting, seconded by Deck and passed unanimously. Reports of library activity and technology activity were shared. The transit system is improving but still slow. Items marked “in-transit” before September 30th will now be marked lost so a new copy can be pulled from another library if available, which will get items to the library faster. The library received a small $100 grant from the Women’s Giving Circle for outdoor games for the Fall Family Fun Day that will eventually be added to the Library of Things. Streett mentioned a macramé class in Dearborn County filled up very quickly when she was looking to register and that it might be a good idea to hold a program as well.

Bills and claims were presented. Sigmon made a motion to approve the claims, seconded by Streett and passed unanimously.

Time for Public Comments


Old Business

Fox shared building updates. All major projects have been completed, including all lighting and HVAC maintenance. Bills were paid this month and all came in as quoted. The goal for 2024 will be to save unless there is an emergency.

Fox reported that the new server and firewall from AVC were scheduled to be delivered to their offices on Friday and that installation will be scheduled by the end of the year. The bill was paid out of the 2023 budget.

New Business

The personnel policy was reviewed. Language was added to clarify that points will accrue with leaving early as well as coming in late. Rogers motioned to accept the changes, seconded by Deck and passed unanimously.

Benefits and the salary schedule for 2024 were reviewed. Sigmon motioned to renew the same health insurance coverage, seconded by Rogers and passed unanimously. The salary schedule was presented with changes to widen pay ranges for all positions. Streett mentioned that because the library is now Class C, if the director leaves, the replacement might not need a master’s degree and therefore could be paid less. Fox added a line to the schedule accounting for an LC-4 librarian in addition to an LC-2 and higher librarian. Streett motioned to accept the changes, seconded by Sigmon and passed unanimously.

The 2024 meeting schedule was presented. The board will meet at the same time and the same date in every month. The school calendar has not been published, but if the October meeting needs to be changed due to fall break, it can be voted on next year.

The library will be closed December 23rd-26th for Christmas, December 30th-January 1st for New Year’s Eve/Day, and will close at 5 p.m. on December 27th-January 5th with the exception of December 29th, where it will close at 3 p.m.

The finance committee will meet before the next board meeting on January 9th.

With no further business, the meeting adjourned at 4:15 p.m.


Minutes recorded by Emily Fox.

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