Fostering a culture of reading and thought by serving Switzerland County’s information, life-long learning and leisure pursuits.

April 2023 Minutes

Switzerland County Public Library

Board Meeting Minutes

April 11, 2023

The regular monthly meeting of the Switzerland County Public Library Board of Trustees was held Tuesday, April 11th, 2023 at 3:30 pm in the meeting room of the library. Attending were Debbie Margison, Sharon Deck, Stacy Streett, Michelle Hicks, Mary Jane Rogers, Diane Sigmon, Heather Peelman, and Emily Fox. Not attending was Diana Barry.

Deck made a motion to approve the minutes of the previous board meeting, seconded by Margison and passed unanimously. Reports of library activity and technology activity were shared. Circulation was the second highest month since 2021 and had the highest e-book circulation ever. Over 80 people used the meeting room in March and 86 people came to the Easter egg hunt on April 1st, many of whom had never been to the library. Peelman reported she did an outreach event at the school in March and would be visiting camp with the 6th graders and doing another school visit at Switzerland County Elementary next month.

Bills and claims were presented. Fox reported she checked on the safety deposit box and it contained the deed to the building and other important documents. Streett asked what was in the library’s storage unit, since the bill was paid this month. Fox said it was financial documents the library cannot dispose of and an old microfilm machine. Rogers made a motion to approve the claims, seconded by Sigmon and passed unanimously.

Time for Public Comments


Old Business

Fox reported on the outdoor learning lab. Tim Breeding from the Teton Corporation visited earlier in the day with his electrician as they prepare to start construction. He is going to work with AVC Technology to set up the wireless access points outside, which are scheduled to be installed on May 13th. Artists Kaydence Denson and Stacy Hardesty-Gray have been selected to paint the book benches and they are due to be completed no later than May 12th. Madison Auto Collision is anticipating the benches, and while they do not have an exact price for the sealing, it was estimated between $200-$300 per bench. Fox said she would like all the funds for the bench to come from donated funds. Morris Lawn Care will be starting work in early to mid-May. Deck asked if they ever sent drawings of what the landscaping would look like and Fox said no, but they did send pictures of the plants they would use and an example concept design. Deck asked if anything was going to be planted in the ground and Fox said that this year, they would just do the flower beds and next year, more plants could be added to the construction area.

Fox said that Breeding and his employees are coming up with a list of maintenance tasks to propose to the board at the May meeting. This includes fixing the front concrete, replacing the parking lot and outdoor lights with LEDs, caulking around windows and other areas, replacing deteriorated bricks, patching the gutters, and leveling the outdoor patio. Fox said she felt that even though the cost would likely be high, since it is difficult to find people to do those tasks, it would be worth it to get all projects completed at once. Sigmon and Hicks expressed support and the consensus was to fix everything while construction is underway. Fox said she would propose a budget at the next meeting, pulling from available funds in the Operating, Rainy Day, LIRF, Gift, and Casino funds.

Review of the Disaster Recovery Plan for Computers was tabled again, as AVC Technology has not compiled the needed information yet.

New Business

The Capital Asset Policy was reviewed. Hicks motioned to accept, seconded by Rogers and passed unanimously.

The Small Purchase Policy was reviewed. Sigmon motioned to approve, seconded by Deck and passed unanimously.

Fox announced she would be on vacation from May 2nd-May 8th and that due to delays, construction would not begin until after her return. She also announced a tentative date for a ribbon cutting reception and unveiling of the book benches as May 27th at 11 a.m. She will invite all groups that provided funding or support, as well as the public.

Streett announced that the county received a very large early literacy grant and relevant entities in the county would be meeting on Friday to discuss how to use the funds. Fox said she would be unable to make it, but Peelman planned to attend.


Minutes recorded by Emily Fox.

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