Annual Finance Committee Meeting 2024
Finance Committee Annual Meeting
January 9th, 2024
The Board of Finance of the Switzerland County Public Library met January 9th, 2024 at 3:35 pm for the Annual Meeting. Members in attendance were Deborah Margison, Diane Sigmon, Stacy Streett, and Sharon Deck. Director Emily Fox and Treasurer Heather Peelman were present. Election of officers was discussed. Since Streett will be leaving the board at the end of the school year, a new slate of officers will be needed. Since so many members were unavailable, the election was tabled until the February board meeting. Investments were discussed. First Financial Bank is the designated depository for funds. A new Certificate of Deposit was discussed. Fox did not have time to research current rates, but Sigmon said First Financial has a rate of 5.14% and consensus was that that rate would be a good deal. Fox will research rates and present at the next regular board meeting. The Investment Policy and Credit Card Policy were reviewed. No changes were made. Vevay Newspapers will be the vehicle for publication of public notices.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 3:40 pm.
Minutes recorded by Emily Fox.